Maintenance Posture

Maintenance Posture Services

We offer maintenance and renovation works in planned and unplanned downtimes required by all industrial facilities, especially storage tank revisions in accordance with API 653 standards, 24/7 with our experienced staff.

Maintenance downtime services are processes performed regularly to improve the performance, ensure the safety, reduce the risk of failure and extend the life of a facility or equipment. This service is critical to maintaining the efficiency and safety of industrial facilities.

Our service process generally consists of the following steps:

During the planning phase for maintenance downtime, the time period during which the facility or equipment will be stopped is determined. This process is carried out by considering business planning, production demands, customer needs and other factors. During planning, the necessary material, equipment and personnel resources are determined.

In the pre-stop preparation phase, operations such as procuring spare parts, preparing equipment and taking safety precautions are carried out. In addition, the distribution of tasks and work plans of maintenance teams are created at this stage.

Stopping and Unloading:
In the specified time period, the facility or equipment is stopped and unloading operations are carried out. At this stage, the facility or equipment is safely closed and the products are safely stored or unloaded.

Maintenance and Repair Operations:
Planned maintenance and repair operations are performed during downtime. These operations include cleaning equipment, replacing parts, repair and renewal work, and performing measurements and tests. All operations are carried out in accordance with the program and instructions determined by the maintenance team.

Checks and Tests:
After completion of maintenance and repair operations, the operating performance of the facility or equipment is checked and tested. This ensures that the systems are operating correctly, performance is up to standards and safety requirements are met.

Maintenance downtime services are an important step in keeping industrial facilities operating safely and efficiently. With our expert staff and extensive experience, we are proud to support your facilities with the highest standards of maintenance and repair services.

Pipe Insulation Works

Yeni Elektrik Üretim A.S – Maintenance Works


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