Environmental and Energy Policy
As Sutek Engineering, we place sustainable growth at the core of our activities and are aware that this is only possible by implementing sustainable environmental and energy principles. In this context, as an engineering company that is sensitive to the environment and energy resources, we undertake to adhere to the following principles:
- Efficient Use of Natural Resources and Recycling: We aim to use natural resources efficiently and increase recycling and recovery.
- Energy Efficiency and Environmentally Friendly Technologies: We plan all our processes from the design stage onwards with energy efficient and environmentally friendly technologies.
- Contribution to Climate Change: We develop and implement energy efficiency projects that will positively contribute to climate change.
- Use of Energy Efficiency Products and Services: We prefer energy efficient products, services and technologies and support high-performance designs.
- Implementation of Environmental and Energy Management Systems: We carry out our production activities based on environmental and energy management systems.
Our Commitments:
- Legal Compliance: We fully comply with applicable legal and other requirements related to the environment and energy.
- Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously improving and developing our environmental and energy performance.
- Reducing Environmental Impacts: We take the necessary measures to reduce or eliminate the negative impacts of our activities on the environment.
- Review of Goals and Targets: We periodically review our goals and targets related to the environment and energy and create the necessary resources to achieve these goals.
- Awareness and Participation: In line with our environmental responsibilities, we raise awareness of our subcontractors, suppliers, customers and the local community; we are in constant communication to ensure their participation.
- Consideration of Environmental Impacts in Design: We consider environmental impacts in facility and process designs.
- Waste Management: We reduce waste that may occur in production, transportation, storage, operation and maintenance processes and evaluate recycling and reuse alternatives.
- Emergency Risk Management: We ensure health, safety and environmental integrity by reducing emergency risks that may occur within the framework of occupational health and safety rules.
Communication and Awareness Raising with Stakeholders:
We aim to increase awareness and sensitivity by ensuring that our environmental and energy policy is understood and adopted by all our stakeholders. In this direction, we declare and undertake to share our policies openly with all our stakeholders.
As Sutek Engineering, we will continue to adopt sustainable environmental and energy management as a basic principle.