Quality Policy


Quality Policy

As Sutek Engineering, the sustainability and development of our quality management system is determined in line with the demands collected from within and outside the company and is constantly reviewed by the top management. These principles are implemented by making them compatible with the TS EN ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Standard and continuous development is ensured. Innovations, changes and developments within the framework of the quality management system are announced in a way that will increase awareness among all employees and stakeholders.

These policies are the fundamental basis for Sutek Engineering to maintain its permanent existence as a leading, reliable, privileged and preferred company in the sector.

Basic Principles of Our Quality Policy

  1. Customer-Focused Work:
    In order to increase the lifetime value of our customers and maximize their satisfaction, demands are collected before each project and production. The work done is checked by our company inspection mechanism and presented. In this process, waste of time and resources is prevented, and material and moral savings are achieved.

  2. Efficient Use of Time:
    Each stage before the project and production is planned by considering all risks. The work flow is organized according to the needs analysis and the projects are delivered on time and with high quality.

  3. Catching Up with Technology and the Age:
    Sectoral technological developments are followed worldwide and the applicability of these innovations in business processes is evaluated. Efficiency is increased with transformation investments made at the right time.

  4. Reliability:
    Our reliability and reputation in the sector are increased by ensuring work delivery on time and at high quality standards.

  5. Developing an Integrated Quality Management System (E-QMS):
    The requirements specified in the Integrated Quality Management System Standard are fully fulfilled. In order to ensure the continuity and improvement of this process, traceability and transparency have been increased by using the in-house ERP system.

  6. Ensuring Personnel Development:
    Appropriate environments and trainings are provided to support the professional and personal development of our employees. The necessary support is provided for our employees to constantly renew and develop themselves.

  7. Increasing Productivity:
    All infrastructure investments are continuously made in order to meet the needs and expectations of the customers we serve in the most accurate and high-quality way. In this way, customer satisfaction is maximized and productivity is increased.

Sutek Mühendislik olarak kalite, güvenlik ve müşteri memnuniyeti odaklı çalışmalarımızı her zaman sürdürüyor ve sektörde öncü olmayı hedefliyoruz.


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